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An Extremely Good News! A legendary woman, Ma Yueling, has devised a strategy...









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发表于 2018-9-24 00:29
Ma Yueling elucidates how the human body functions based on the operational laws of nature and summarizes various causes affecting human health. She uses physical means (non-medical means) to cure intractable diseases affecting human health from their root causes, thereby creating a new medical theory-guided practice model to cure diseases and maintain human health.

1. The knowledge she obtains from plants

This image shows a pot of beautiful rhododendron in full bloom.

In this image, the rhododendron leaves and flowers have withered.

Plants might show a morbid state in which leaves and flowers become withered; such a state might occur at any time during plant growth, and diseased plants are generally left unattended. The following are the known facts:

(1) Flowers need to be watered regularly

(2) Well-irrigated pots of flowering plants need to have a proper drainage system to remove excess water

(3) Fertilization needs to be conducted regularly to maintain soil nutrients

(4) Compact soil easily loses water; hence, these soils need to be loosened or replaced with fresh soft soil.

(5) Under high temperature conditions, desiccation of plants should be avoided by immediately moving the pots to the shade and irrigating them with water;

(6) Similarly, under low temperature conditions, plants are subjected to cold stress and need to be immediately moved indoors to keep them warm and watered, if required.

The growth conditions can be artificially maintained for indoor plants; when indoor plants start withering, appropriate measures can be applied in a timely manner to ensure that the plants can flourish and thrive again.

However, outdoor plants are irrigated by rainfall and obtain nutrients from the soil naturally; further, they are subjected to adverse climate conditions such as wind, rain, thunder, and lightning; seasonal changes; and changes occurring during the growth cycle—blossoming, fruiting, and decay. The environmental conditions to which plants are subjected during growth determine their life state.

In the above image, a professor is diagnosing a withered plant. Can the professor determine the exact reason from among the six factors mentioned above, by using a magnifying glass?

In the above image, the professor is watering the plant. However, is this the proper way to water plants? We assume that, just like rain falls on the leaves and flowers of plants, watering only the leaves and flowers would be sufficient, but we fail to realize that this is just a superficial phenomenon.

For example, humans need to consume food to nourish all the cells in the body. However, this nourishment reaches the cells in the form of “blood,” which is remarkably different in appearance and function from those of the consumed food. The same is true for plants. Water poured on the surface of plants can only reach the surface parts. However, the water and nutrients needed by the leaves and flowers are actually obtained from the rainwater/water entering the soil—the roots absorb the water and nutrients from the soil and then continuously synthesize metabolites, which are transported to the leaves and flowers for nourishment. Hence, watering only the leaves and flowers is not sufficient for normal growth of plants.

In the above image, the professor is directly applying an artificially developed medicinal liquid to the plant. For the plant, this liquid is a foreign matter, waste, and poison. Thus, the professor is actually harming the plant.

In this image, the professor is dissecting the plant and cutting its parts as well as destroying its integrity, which can only accelerate its decay.

The above images suggest that the professor does not consider the growth environment and conditions of plants, but is simply attempting to revive the plant based on a superficially visible phenomenon, which is practically not feasible.

Taking another example, let us consider the situation of a person subjected to such absurd treatments. For example, a doctor examines the cells and organs of a person by using an anatomical lens and microscope and diagnoses the person’s condition based only on the physical appearance of the cells and organs. Currently, such preposterous diagnostic methods are being used in modern medicine worldwide to treat patients.

It isimportant to understand that both plants and humanslive and co-exist in this universe. Although plants have a simple life form, while humans have a complex structure, they are subjected to the same basic operational laws of nature and both have self-healing properties. However, why do doctors consider any abnormality in human cells as a severe condition? Why do they ignore the importance of the living conditions and environment to which the cells are subjected and attempt to improve them? Why do they not consider the strong self-healing ability of the human body, stronger than plants, which can accelerate the recovery of cells under the most suitable living conditions and environment?

Then, why is that plants always receive the required and correct treatment, but humans are misdiagnosed?

Observing the growth state of plants is comparatively easy: people can visualize how withered plants gradually stand in an upright position after irrigation, and plants in compact soil begin to grow vigorously after soil loosening. Hence, people do not subject plants to absurd treatments.

People generally focus on the influence of the external environment and conditions on plant growth. However, the internal structure and operational mechanisms of plants cannot be visualized and involve the following two aspects:

1. The relationship between plant roots and soil: this is a bridge connecting plants with the surrounding environment. Maintaining the health of roots and ensuring that they have normal circulation with the environment can ensure normal growth of plants.

2.Further, no obstruction in the connecting channels between roots and branches, flowers, and fruits ensures timely exchange and circulation of energy, leading to vigorous growth of plants.

Therefore, when the external environmental conditions are conducive to plant growth, plants only need to ensure that their internal pathways are not obstructed and facilitate proper growth.

The most obvious difference between plants and humans is that plants have unlimited growth space, and their dead twigs and withered leaves separate from the stem, leaving the internal space in a clean environment. This explains why many plants in areas with excellent growth conditions and environment, such as the Sanya City, China, are almost five to six thousand years of age and are still flourishing and thriving.

The human body is highly intricate to completely understand because it is analogous to a capsule, in which the body and its nutrition source are all accommodated, and the needs and operational mechanisms for survival remain hidden. This capsule has various functions such as seeing, listening, speaking, and acting, which are performed by numerous organs and channels, and thus the system becomes complicated. The capsule generates more wastes than plants, including wastes from cell metabolism and digested food. These wastes accumulate in the capsule if they are not excreted in time, inevitably leading to congestion and gradual reduction of cell living space, which is the main cause of human illness and ageing.

2. On the basis of her observations in plants, she seeks to reveal the operational laws of the human body

From the medicinal perspective, the human body is composed of eight systems, namely, motor, circulatory, digestive, respiratory, urinary, nervous, endocrine, and reproductive systems. These systems have their own operational laws work in coordination with one other, rendering it extremely difficult to completely understand them. Since plants and humans basically have the same operational laws for survival, understanding the functional organization of the human body in terms of the growth needs of plants is possible.

All vital activities of humans are performed by various cells. Cells with the same function form a tissue, and tissues form an organ. When cells are subjected to pathological damage, the human body develops diseases. If the cells of the human body are well maintained, the life span can be increased. According to the laws of plant growth, maintenance of health and vigor of human cells and ensuring that they have the most suitable growth environment requires the fulfillment of the following three conditions:

1) Determine the optimal conditions and environment for cell viability

2) Identify the channels associated with cell functions

3) Determine the most effective way to clean up wastes surrounding cells in a timely manner.

(1) What are the conditions and environment for cell survival?

According to Western doctors, human cells live in an environment shown in the image below.

The figure shows that cells live in the tissue fluid (extracellular fluid). What is the origin of tissue fluid? Does it originate from the blood? If so, how does blood form? The blood is formed by the food and water consumed by humans daily. These raw materials continuously enter the human body and are converted into blood via various internal mechanisms; blood is then transported through the blood vessels to every cell of the body.

Western doctors claim that the vascular and lymphatic systems supply nutrients to cells and remove wastes. Chinese doctors suggest that the tissue fluid is like an ocean, where meridian circulation supplies nutrients to the cells and removes wastes as well. Whether it is a tangible blood vessel and lymphatic vessel, or an invisible meridian, their eternal circulation creates the environment and space for cell survival. The functionality of blood and lymphatic circulation is directly affected by the type of food consumed. In the image shown above, nerves are depicted in dark blue color, which conduct timely transmission of the instructions from the brain and the responses of cells to coordinate life functions. The tissue fluid in which cells survive needs to be rich in nutrients and water, free of wastes, clean and transparent, and in a liquid form for smooth circulation; this ensures that all kinds of cells living in the fluid have the best growth conditions and environment and can function well.

Any abnormality in any of the above aspects directly affects the living state of cells, leading to “diseases.” The most serious condition is when the tissue fluid has excessive wastes, fat, and other substances, and no space for living cells. In such a case, the cells become squeezed, deformed, mutated, and necrotic.

The advancement of modern medicine facilitates direct observation of deformed and mutated cells. Once cells are deformed and mutated, doctors become highly vigilant and ensure that the abnormal cells are completely eliminated to avoid life-threatening diseases.

This image shows the cross-section of the kidney from a patient with kidney cancer.

Only about one-sixth of the tissue on the left side of the kidney is in good condition, whereas the remaining is fat and wastes. On the lower right side, there is a faintly visible area covered by a capsule, indicating that the body was rescuing itself by trying to enclose the unwanted substancesthat had accumulated in order to avoid damage to other tissues. However, the wastes and fat were in excess and had engulfed the normal kidney cells.

From this image, will you blame the cells that have become deformed and mutated? The cells are just victims. The wastes and fat have killed some of the cells, and those remaining ones have become deformed and mutated.

The below image shows that with an increase in age narrowing of blood vessels occurs. Let us consider the condition of blood cells in narrowing blood vessels: although healthy red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets and other cells might enter the narrow, greasy vessels, they would contract due to crowding and would not be able to release sufficient energy for nourishment of tissues when they finally reach their destination—the tissue fluid.

Vascular occlusion becomes increasingly serious with increasing age and is a common as well as the most important cause of human ageing and death. Vascular ageing is caused by vascular obstruction, which also causes cellular ageing, and leads to remarkable narrowing of the cell living space.

In order to provide a better understanding of the relationship between living space and cell morphology, I have included four images below.

Figure 1: A 1.7 m tall man living in a 3 m high space is both physiologically and psychologically fit.

Figure 2: When the height of the living space is reduced to 2 m, the man cannot move his limbs freely and feels the external pressure; thus, he is nervous and prone to depression.

Figure 3: When the living space is 1.5 m high. The man has to stoop down, causing the original healthy person to assume an abnormal shape. Because of the deformed body shape, the man feels pain, and is thus in a bad mood.

Figure 4: When the living space is 1 m high. The man hasto curl his body and is extremely weak. He has lost his original structure. His body shape has deformed and in the worse life state.

The change of living space alone is sufficient to cause a person or a cell to transit from a healthy to a decay stage, leading to the loss of structure and health. The gradual shrinking of internal living space is responsible for the development of human diseases, aging, and death.

Is death the only outcome of obstruction, when the living space is reduced, and the decay process initiates? The outcome is not necessarily death, only if life space is restored, and the requirements and environment for sustaining life are made available; for example, if the result would be reversed, the condition of the man would improve with an increase in living space (Figs. 4 to 1).

Whenever life space is restored, the circulation is increased, leading to sufficient supply of energy and better waste removal, it will relax the human body and bring happiness and health.

The differences in the amount of living space would have different effects and cause various diseases. Similarly, with an increase in the availability of living space, different disease symptoms become alleviated, and various physiological weaknesses gradually disappear.

Although the living space is essential, circulation and communication between the internal space and the external environment are more important. As long as the space is occluded, no matter how large the living space is, the cells are not able to survive. If the living space is extremely narrow, the cells become deformed and mutated, but circulation and communication with the external environment still exist—that is, with the circulation of air and the supply of nutritious food, wastes are able to be removed. Moreover, comfort signals are transmitted from the nerves of the brain, and hence even the deformed and mutated cells can still tenaciously survive. However, when the channels are completely obstructed, circulation is lost, and death occurs. Necrotic and ulcerated tissue cells would eventually die asbthey do not receive sufficient amounts of oxygen and energy, and there is no living space because of the obstruction of channels.

Cells have the same causes of death as humans—they die of factors such as suffocation, hunger, low temperature, heatstroke, and drowning. These most common causes of death, when present inside the human body to varying degrees, would lead to different diseases, affecting normal life. Recycling, circulation, permeability, and breathability are vital to life. They can occur only if all channels inside the human body have smooth flow and circulation.

(2) What are the channels associated with the functioning of cells? What are the different components of the complicated transportation network inside the human body?

In the above image, the visible network directly related to the living state of cells involves blood vessels, lymph, and nerves.

The circulation of each of the above systems is highly complicated. These three systems are interconnected and overlapped, for example, as shown in the anatomical diagram of the head and neck below, and they always function together.

When a person is pricked with a needle, pain sensation and bleeding occur. The blood vessels, nerves, and lymph of the human body are ubiquitously distributed in the body—their coordinated functioning ensures the survival of all parts and cells of a body.

The large network shown in the images above is only a part of the entire system. Blood cells are mainly produced in the bone marrow. The human body consists of 206 bones, most of which are involved in hemopoiesis.

The image below shows the femoral head and femoral artery.

The main nutrients required for cells are produced in the bones and are distributed through the blood vessels to the entire body. In the human body, muscles have the closest relationship with bones.

In total, there are 639 muscles in the human body, which are composed of approximately 6 billion muscle fibers. These muscles are directly connected to the bones and are involved in the exchange and circulation of various substances along the bones.

Below is an image of the leg muscles along with the blood vessels, nerves, and lymph.


The following is a cross-sectional view of the upper part of the leg.

Bones, blood vessels, nerves, and lymph nodes are surrounded by muscles. The blood vessels, nerves, and lymph nodes are large, and their distal ends are tiny with net-shaped distribution throughout the muscles and under the skin.

How to elucidate such an enormous and complex network? Is it possible? Yes! Since the channels of the entire body are surrounded by muscles, the state of muscles determines the openness of each channel.

The muscles are soft and contractile and have a large space, in which various channels run smoothly. When muscles lose their contraction ability, the space becomes reduced, and the pressure of various internal channels immediately increases, hindering their smooth functioning. When the muscles become compact and stiff, the space continues to decrease, severely obstructing the various channels and increases their risk of occlusion. A child’s muscles are soft, while the muscles and tendons of an elderly individual or a patient are stiff and compact.

Muscles are present in any tangible part of the human body. The feeling of sourness, numbness, swelling, or pain with stiffness and compactness in a large part of the body indicates some problems with the functioning of muscles. Occasionally, the problems are localized, or they are adjoining each other to cover a larger area. With the increase of age, almost all tangible parts of the human body become stiff and compact.

Unlike the continuous blood, lymph, and nervous systems, bones and muscles are segmented; hence, muscle injury affects the overall circulatory network. However, the human body has many collateral circulation systems to compensate and substitute for the circulation in the injured muscles. With the increase in muscle stiffness and compactness due to muscle injury and exposure to low temperature, the overall pressure of the circulatory network becomes greater, which has a direct consequence—increased vascular pressure, blood pressure, and cardiopulmonary load; increased pressure of the entire nervous system concomitant with neural conduction failure and slower response; and increased lymphatic system pressure concomitant with decreased detoxification and immune function. The indirect consequences are that cells do not have sufficient energy supply, and their ability of waste removal is decreased, which increases occlusion and loss of cellular function, suggesting the degeneration of the human body.

Why many people who are masculine and physically strong in early adulthood seldom live longer than the average life expectancy? Why some sports athletes become afflicted with early onset of illness? Every muscle injury caused by external force affects the flow of each channel inside the human body. Each muscle injury, if not treated in time or completely, will result in local pain, stiffness, compactness, and deformation, leading to occlusion of the channels passing through the muscles and reduction of flow inside the channels, which could affect many tissues and cells connected to the channels.

For example, muscle stiffness in the neck will increase the pressure on the neck and cause dizziness and insensitivity. When effective methods are used to reduce the stiffness of the neck muscles, the pressure on the head is alleviated, leading to the restoration of consciousness and alertness. Hence, muscle tension and hardening should not be overlooked—for example, eye muscle fatigue can lead to lifelong myopia. The stiffness and compactness of back and abdominal muscles are widespread in middle-aged individuals, resulting in slow circulation in each channel of all internal organs and delayed removal of wastes. This affects the quality of life of these individuals. Adverse internal condition and obstruction of circulation to some parts of the body lead to suffocation, anxiety, irritability, and other negative emotions, which ultimately cause illness and degeneration.

Another important reason for muscle stiffness is exposure to low temperature. Materials are known to“expand with heat and contract with cold”; this is the law of nature as well as an operational law of each channel in the human body. If the human body is exposed to low temperature by consumption of cold diet for a long time, the internal temperature of the human body becomes low. This leads to contraction of each channel in the body, which, over time, could cause the hardening, stiffening, and deformation of muscles. The book “Temperature Determines Our Whole Life” compiled by Ma Yueling in 2008 reveals that the internal temperature of the human body has a direct relationship with human health.

The most efficient way to avoid diseases is to ensure that the muscles are soft and in a relaxed state as well as have the contractile ability. Appropriate exercise along with a nutritious diet can rejuvenate the muscles and restore their elasticity. Exercise produces heat inside the muscles, and strong muscular contraction and stretching during exercise can facilitate communication among various channels running in the muscles, thereby exposing all the cells to the best living environment and space in order to prolong lifespan, eradicate diseases, and maintain youthfulness. Moreover, relaxation of the muscles of the body increases zest and consciousness.

Humans are intelligent creatures. They can communicate with the universe anytime and anywhere, thereby exchanging energy and information. The muscles act as a shield and protect the human body from the external environment. If the shield is soft and permeable, humans can live a vivid life with a bright prospect. The innocence, intelligence, and spirituality in children are the result of the interaction of the human body with the external environment.

When the muscles become more compact and stiff, individuals become more materialized and rigid and deviate further from a healthy life, eventually leading to death. Breaking the barriers on the human body not only makes life vivid again, but also improves the quality of life, harmony between humans and nature, and the freedom of spirit and consciousness. Therefore, muscle softening might not only cause visible changes in the physical appearance, but also in the mood, spirit, and consciousness.

(3) Determining the most effective ways to remove wastes around cells in a timely manner

The human body is equipped with a waste disposal system consisting of many waste disposal channels. The daily defecation and urination as well as expiration and farting—a process of emitting waste gas—are the automatic cleanup functions of the human body. Moreover, perspiration allows the removal of wastes from a large area of the human body. The human body contains many health guardians and scavengers—medically referred to as immune cells, including white blood cells, phagocytes, and macrophages, which can phagocytize, digest, and utilize aged, impaired, or necrotic cells as well as bacteria and viruses, invading the human body.

These health guardians and scavengers are mostly formed in the bone marrow. The blood vessels continuously input energy into the bone marrow, providing sufficient hematopoietic material for producing numerous health guardians and scavengers, which are then transported via the blood vessels to all parts of the body to perform defense tasks, thereby ensuring a safe, clean, and normal life.

This is very similar to the situation of a city. If a city is not equipped strong cleaning systems, it becomes full of wastes and affects its functioning; if the situation is not controlled, the entire city might be inevitably ruined—a heavy snow would suffice to paralyze the city within one day.

If the human body has a perfect cleanup and drainage system, why do intravascular and pericellular wastes accumulate with the increase of age? Is it because of the unclean food, water, and air? However, even in the ancient times, human lifespan was never very long. Globally, elderly individuals, especially those more than 90 years of age, have almost the same aged appearance, and only a few people have a lifespan of more than 110 years. The dietary habits, living environment, and living conditions vary remarkably worldwide. Even in a person who consumes a healthy diet and exercises regularly—even with the most advanced medical treatment, internal wastes would continue to accumulate, and ageing and death would occur due to body occlusion.

What prevents humans from discharging wastes in time? This could be because of the following three reasons:

First, the amount of wastes is excessive and the self-cleaning ability of the human body is ensured.

Second, the circulatory system is severely blocked, resulting in the inability to transport wastes out of the body, as well as preventing the transport of health guardians and scavengers to target sites.

Third, the blood cell-producing capacity of the bone marrow has declined, resulting in the formation of very few guardians and scavengers to remove the excessive wastes.

If any of these conditions are not improved in time, the human body will immediately enter a vicious circle, resulting in the accumulation of internal wastes and occlusion of the living space.

There are various sources of wastes inside the human body, including not only the visible unclean substances but also, more frequently, some factors that are neglected.

①What is the source of the large amount of wastes inside the human body?

a. All solids and liquids entering the human body, which are not digested by the cells, are converted to wastes. Long-term exposure to unclean foods, water, and air inevitably cause adverse effects on the human body. Moreover, any food and liquid that are not mandatory for the human body or those that cannot be digested and utilized are also considered to be wastes for the human body, even if they are clean.

b. Many ingredients in the blood, such as fat, sugar, and purine, are foods for cells. However, if they are not absorbed and utilized by cells, they accumulate in the blood vessels and tissue fluids and are converted to wastes.

c. From the cells themselves

Approximately forty to sixty trillion cells are present in the human body, and they generate a large amount of waste daily due to cellular metabolism. Most cells are renewed every 6-7 years. The red blood cells, which are active in the blood vessels, have a lifespan of 90-120 days, whereas white blood cells and platelets have a lifespan of 7-14 days and 7-9 days, respectively. Hence, every year, 3-4 generations of red blood cells, 26-52 generations of white blood cells, and 40-52 generations of platelets are produced. Hence, if these necrotic cells are not timely cleaned up and accumulate in the vessels, the inner diameter of the vessels will gradually reduce with the increase in age.

②What causes internal congestion in the human body?

a. Exposure of the internal and external parts of the body to low temperature causes the internal temperature to drop, leading to the contraction of muscles and obstruction of channels.

Normal temperature of the human body ranges 36-37℃, which is also required for the normal growth of fetuses. Temperature fluctuations are not conducive to the growth of a fetus. Further, a warm and suitable environment allows all the muscles and channels in the human body to soften and relax.

Even if chilled food and drinks are consumed in large quantities, the temperature of excreted stools and urine is not low. This suggests that the body expends considerable energy to warm up the low-temperature foods and liquids to more than 30℃. Why is this process necessary? This is because a decrease in temperature implies the arrival of winter, increase in the rate of infertility, freezing of rivers, compaction of soil, withering of living things, and end of life. Hence, assuming that it is a matter of life and death, the human body tries to retain the normal temperature. The health guardians mobilize the energy from all parts of the body to overcome cold by causing sweating, fever, cold, cough, vomiting, and diarrhea in order to increase the body temperature.

At present, people prefer to stay in cold, air-conditioned rooms during the summer and consume cold foods and drinks all year round, in order to cool the body. Thus, there is not sufficient energy to warm up the organs and remove wastes. Further, consumption of excessive cold foods causes the thickening and stiffening of the abdomen in adolescents. The internal organs of these individuals are cold, and the circulatory system is obstructed; hence, they are unhealthy. This is the reason for an early onset of diseases in people.

With a decrease in internal temperature of the human body, the stored energy in cells— fat—will only remain in the solid form.

Let us again refer to the cross-section of cancerous kidney.

The yellow part in this photograph is fat. If the fat was melted, the true wastes would be exposed, which might not be in a large quantity. The fat harbors the wastes and blocks the channels for the passage of scavengers that help in removing the wastes. In Europe and the United States, many people are obese because they have high-calorie and high-fat diet along with cold drinks and live in cold, air-conditioned environment all year round. These habits cause the solidification of fat, which is retained in the blood vessels and causes blockage and remarkably reduces the vessel diameter. Fat remaining in the tissue fluid occupies the space for cells. That is, under such circumstances, the solid fat becomes waste for the human body.

All the muscles have a common characteristic—when frozen, they become stiff and inflexible. Not only muscles, but all cellular networks inside the muscles are contracted, the channels are narrowed, and the liquid inside the channels flows slower when cold, worsening the overall circulation of the human body.

Although refrigerators and air conditioners are a source of comfort for humans, they have affected their health and quality of life.

b. Remaining in the same posture for a long time increases the stress in muscles and adversely affects the internal circulation.

Constant body postures such as sitting, cross-legged sitting, standing, kneeling, or sleeping over a long time cause the muscles to remain under stress, adversely affecting their circulation channels, eventually causing the main organs connected with these channels to become impaired and diseased.

c. Over-fatigue causes the muscles in the human body to become tense

Any work, study, activity, or exercise, if in excess, will inevitably lead to muscle soreness and muscle tension, and over-fatigued people will experience stiffness throughout the body.

d. Injury and surgery cause muscle stiffness and compaction, resulting in damage to the circulatory network

Accidental injuries such as stumbling and bumping, sprains, and surgery are inevitable in humans. Ma Yueling also underwent an appendicitis surgery in her 20s and had a caesarean section with a transverse incision of more than 10 cm in her thirties, causing severe abdominal occlusion; however, this was not evident under normal conditions, and she remained unaware of the potential dangers to her life until now. Until this year, the year of 2018, she invented a shaker bed that can effectively relax all the muscles of the body; this device also significantly softened her abdomen. She detected many large and small blocks inside the abdomen and was really shocked. The continuous use of the shaking and conditioning device gradually alleviated the blocks. Further, in the deeper layers, wide fasciae were noted in the longitudinal direction, which were compacted into a sheet; their width and length were the same. That is, if the part above the incision had become stiff and compact; the severity of this condition was greater on the right side than on the left, because there was a scar after the appendicitis operation on the right side. Scars were not only visible on the skin, but also had penetrated the deeper layer, thereby causing congestion. After the continuation of the shaking and conditioning treatment, the abdomen relaxed, and the sheet began to loosen out to become obviously tangible. The sheet was composed of numerous wide fasciae that harbored the deepest, most central, and most important transportation hub of the human body; blocking of this hub would inevitably have led to illness and ageing.

After completing the treatment, she realized that she had saved herself and was surprised that the surgery performed 20 years ago had formed a potential lesion in her body. Among the patients she has treated, those who underwent surgery have shown severe occlusion in the body, and this occlusion is considerably more difficult to remove and relax, unlike that in normal people. Many cancer patients have a history of trauma and surgery—these injuries cause complete occlusion of many channels, indicating the importance of having a healthy body.

e. Changes in mood affect the state of muscles and circulation

When a person is happy, the body is in a state of relaxation. However, when a person is tensed, angry, depressed, or under high stress, the muscles are also tense. Conversely, when all the muscles of a person are stiff, the person’s emotional and mental state will also be rigid. Each of the depressed patients treated by Ma Yueling had stiff body parts, especially the abdomen, which was compact and cold. Among these patients, the most young could perform highly flexible physical activities, and some could even bend down and do splits, but their muscles remained rigid. After their bodies relaxed and muscles softened, the patients became happy and could appreciate their life. They could discover new things, express their feelings clearly, think logically, communicate with people normally, and were more active.

The healing process of a depressed patient is similar to that of a leaf or a small flower recovering from withering: stretching, opening, and thriving. The healing process begins with the softening of body muscles. For a depressed patient, with the relaxation of each layer of muscles, the occluded parts in the abdomen gradually open up, and the patient’s behavior and mind become more open and active. This observation is really interesting and suggests that a person’s mind is hidden in a closed container—each time the container is opened a little more, a new state of mind emerges, with more open spaces, leading to more diverse states of minds. As in depressed patients, the state of normal human beings affects his/her mind, behavior, emotions, and visions.

③What reduces the ability of the bone marrow to produce healthy guardians and scavengers?

The bone marrow needs sufficient energy, smooth circulation, and suitable growth temperature and growth space for proper functioning. The above conditions need to be met to retain the production capacity of the bone marrow.

All of the above problems constitute the root cause of waste accumulation inside the human body. By addressing these problems, people can remove the wastes accumulated throughout the body.

Can this goal be achieved? She has achieved it!

She consecutively addresses the problems causing the accumulation of wastes in the human body, in order to remove the occlusion in the blood vessels and channels of the body, facilitating the removal of accumulated wastes from the body. With the removal of wastes, the circulation is restored, and energy is replenished, allowing the diseases caused by waste accumulation in the vessels and around cells to gradually disappear.

3. She uses physical methods accessible in conjunction with dietotherapy to cure various human diseases.

Her treatment process is as follows: First, she asks the patients to avoid low temperatures and supplements their food with high-calorie diets, which not only melt solid fat in the body, but also promote muscle relaxation and softening, and, more importantly, wash occluded channels and open the passages to restore circulation. Further, she adopts physical shaking and vibration to relax and soften the muscles, loosen all the channels of the human body, and expand the living space for all cells.

After the above treatments, self-cleaning of the human body is initiated to remove all the wastes from the body, renewing the patients’life.

Does the human body undergo these changes? It does.

First, the body needs to be warmed up by consuming high-calorie foods and soaking feet in the mixture of water and “Ai Ye”—the leaves of Artemisia argyi Levl. et Vant.; further, high-dose moxa stick is used for moxibustion. These steps warm the body. During this warming process, an electric massager is used to vibrate and a shaking bed is used to shake the body to allow it to relax. In other words, the procedure consists of warming, mixing, re?warming, and re-mixing to distribute the heat entering the body to different body parts as soon as possible in order to avoid local occlusion. Heat infusion facilitates the clearing of channels and softening of muscles.

She recommends shrimp soup made from de-shelled sea shrimps and ginger to dispelcold and relax and soften muscles. The doses of ginger used in the soup are varied according to the physical condition and congestion situation of each patient. A bowl of shrimp soup containing 70?90 g of shrimp meat requires 5?30 g of ginger. Instead of directly using the maximum ginger dose of 30 g, she prefers to use 5 g in the first step and then gradually increasing the dose from 10 g to higher levels, because patients who have consumed excessive cold foods and suffer from severe internal occlusion should not eat high-calorie foods since the heat would stay in the digestive tract to cause dryness-heat, irritancy, and occlusion. Since conventional manual blockage removal methods cannot help in the treatment of occlusions, she uses an electric massager to generate vibrations for the thighs and legs, but not for the symptomatic abdomen. With the up- and downward vibrational blockage and conditioning, the patients soon feel that the heat accumulated in the abdomen begins to move downward, and their symptoms are alleviated immediately. Alternatively, the patients can lie on the side after eating high-calorie foods and place a small, rhythmically throbbing motor between the two lower limbs to rapidly guide the heat downward.

When the body’s energy is replenished to a sufficient level, the patients can use the electric massager to massage the entire body and can lie on the shaker bed invented by her. She uses more than 30 small motors to assemble a bed, which is designed to work in two shaking modes—shaking at different frequencies, which is suitable for patients with stiff external muscles, or shaking at the same frequency, which is suitable for the conditioning of the internal channels after the external muscles are softened. Moreover, she has designed various shaking devices to work in specific modes for different parts of the human body.

Constant replenishment of high-calorie foods in conjunction with the complete range of relaxation and conditioning gradually softens all the muscles of the body. During this muscle softening process, all patients manifest that nearly all the cold sweat excreted from the body has a temperature of 30?32℃. This is the liquid excreted from inside the human body, which has an internal temperature of 36?37℃. Then, how does the temperature of the excreted sweat become low? The muscles definitely become softer after sweat excretion; this also proves that cold causes stiffness of muscles.

During the process of excreting cold sweat, considerable energy is consumed. The “melting” inside the human body will further lower the temperature, and hence supplying the human body with more energy is necessary. In addition to the soup of ginger/shrimp, she also uses boiled water of ginger/red jujube and soup of ginger/red jujube/longan, with the dose of ginger being adjusted according to the physiological state of patients. During the conditioning process, the only medicine she uses is Dang Gui—the dry roots of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels. She purchases the head of Dang Gui—the plump end of Dang Gui—from farmers and grounds it to powder, which is then added to each bowl of the above-mentioned ginger/red jujube water or ginger/red jujube/longan soup at a dose of 2 20 g per bowl depending on the physiological condition of patients. Since the two foods are high in calories, the body soon warm ups and begins to sweat. The powder of Dang Gui Tou can promote circulation and can also guide the blood to rapidly flow to the brain. Dang Gui Tou causes complete relaxation and conditioning of the human body while avoiding the risk of brain ischemia, thereby avoiding discomfort symptoms and ensuring that patients with varying physical fitness can be conditioned smoothly.

Without the high-calorie diets to warm up the interior of the human body, conditioning performed only on the exterior does not relax and soften the stiff muscles. This is analogical to the situation of organisms in frozen rivers and compact soil, which will not revive until the weather becomes warm, and the frozen land begins to melt from the deep layers.

During the self-cleaning process, the wastes in the body are excreted via various approaches that differ remarkably across individuals—defecation, perspiration, and urination (some have very stinky urine); nonetheless, perspiration is common among individuals. In the early stage of conditioning, most sweat is not cold; however, with an increase in the number of conditioning days, more cold sweat is excreted, concomitant with an increase in the number of skin debris. In the beginning, the sweating sites are localized, but gradually spread all over the body in the later stage of conditioning, that is, sweating and debris accumulation is noted throughout the body.

When the arms of individuals have occlusions, can you expect the wastes to be excreted via the stool and urine? The fastest and most convenient detoxification mechanism is removal of wastes via the skin, that is, sweating. The excreted wastes occasionally contain fat, which explains the greasiness on the skin.

Let us try to assess what happens to the interior of the body when sufficient high-calorie diets are consumed to release energy in coordination with complete conditioning due to vibration and shaking.

First, the effects are noted on the gastrointestinal tract. The coordinated treatment leads to excessive defecation. Diarrhea in patients undergoing the self-cleaning process is very different from that in patients with pathological diarrhea: with an increase in the number of conditioning, the frequency of diarrhea might reach form more than 10 times a day to even more than 20 times a day; however, the patients would feel more relaxed and energetic except anal discomfort. The conditioning-induced diarrhea is a waste-excretion and channel-opening process, analogous to a situation of how a person feels refreshed and relaxed after the doors and windows of a closed room are opened.

Second, blood vessels are the next organs that are benefitted from the above changes. With large amounts of energy entering the blood vessels, which occurs in conjunction with whole-body massage, the blood pressure quickly returns to a normal level. With the continuation of the treatment, the fat accumulated in the blood vessels is removed. Ma Yueling uses B-scan ultrasonography to track the visible blood vessels in the body and observes the gradual softening and conversion of hyperechoic plaques on blood vessel walls to hypoechoic plaques. Occasionally, the plaques swell and then gradually disappear.

The softened plaques are easy to detach; this is a very serious medical condition because the detached plagues can embolize small blood vessels, leading to ischemia and necrosis. In fact, the larger is the range of the body subjected to shaking and conditioning, the safer it is. However, the prerequisite is that the diets of patients are supplemented with high-calorie foods, in order to warm up the internal linings of blood vessels, allowing the dissolution of the detached plagues. If the temperature inside the blood vessels is low, the detached plaques flow as a solid mass, which can have adverse consequences. Therefore, Ma Yueling never recommends that people consuming cold foods should be subjected to the shaking treatment. The shaking treatment ensures that the wastes in the body are loosened, dispersed, and dissolved. Individuals consuming cold foods subjected to the shaking treatment would feel that their interior of the body is contracted and tense and would be very uncomfortable after shaking. However, when shaking treatment is conducted in individuals consuming warm foods, they would feel their interior of the body to become relaxed and stretched and would be very comfortable, indicative of good treatment performance. Therefore, consumption of foods with different amounts of calories during the waste clearing process would have completely different results.

She also uses an advanced instrument for observing morphological changes in the vascular endothelium. With severe arteriosclerosis, the vascular endothelium would barely be visible; however, when the internal vascular occlusion is removed, the endothelium can gradually be observed. A discontinuous and incomplete endothelium in the beginning of the treatment undergoes repair and becomes complete, representing the restoration of healthy blood vessels after treatment.

All these changes occur within 1?3 months. Even for patients in the age range of 70 or 80 years, the internal occlusion can be eliminated to restore blood vessel morphology, as long as their vascular vessels can be observed in the range of B-scan ultrasonography. This is the most important step for humans to overcome diseases and achieve rejuvenation, which has been made possible by Ma Yueling.

After this step is completed, various diseases associated with blood vessels, including hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and cardiocerebral vascular diseases, will be eliminated.

Concomitantly, the abdomen becomes soft. With an increase in the number of days of conditioning, the fat on the abdomen decreases. During the abdominal softening, large- and small-sized stiff and compact blocks are noted. After these blocks in the abdomen disappear, the fat on the abdomen significantly reduces. The blocksin the abdomen are present in multiple layers. Interestingly, with the removal of blocks from every consecutive layer, the anetoderma of the neck and face become alleviated, restoring youthfulness. This indicates that the abdominal condition is connected with the conditions of the neck and face via a channel. With severe abdominal occlusion, the neck and face will be subjected to poor circulation, and thus would show occlusions as well. When the main channel is free of occlusions, sufficient blood is available to repair the damaged cells and cure various diseases of the head and face. This includes serious cataracts, since the body can automatically remove the wastes accumulated in the eyes to restore normal vision, as well as long-term deafness, which would be significantly improved owing to the restoration of circulation to the ears. None of the conditionsin the body are irreversible. With optimum growth conditions, the original functions of organs can be restored.

After the softening of the abdomen, all the organs within the body can begin to function smoothly. Ma Yueling has noted that diabetic patients show a significant drop in blood sugar to normal levels after the abdominal muscles are softened. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can be cured, indicating that the function of the pancreas can be completely repaired and restored after the body is provided the proper living environment. Even the functions of the heart, lung, kidney, liver, gall bladder, stomach, and intestine can be restored to normal.

The abdomen is mainly affected by blocking and compaction and thus causes discomfort to the entire body. Almost all elderly individuals, even those who are very thin, have a large abdomen. The occlusion in the abdomen penetrates to the deeper layers and hence is difficult to remove completely in a short time. However, even with the removal of some of the occlusion, the functions of few organs can be restored. When the pressure on the organs is relieved, the risk of life-threatening diseases is remarkably reduced. Quantitative changes finally lead to qualitative changes, and the importance of this transition has been well manifested by the experience and practice of Ma Yueling. The sooner the human body is cleaned thoroughly, the better will be the results.

The visible fat on the abdomen, the fat in the blood vessels, and the fat surrounding cells is solubilized to release energy and nutrients for cells. In fact, the fat in tumors is also solubilized. Ma Yueling uses B-scan ultrasonography to monitor patients with renal or adrenal cancer and observes the entire process of dissolution of solid tumors to gradually become cysts. Further, she observes the step-wise conversion of malignant tumors to benign ones, thereby alleviating the patients’lives.

Breast cancer appears as irregular-shaped malignant tumors under B-scan ultrasonography. When tumor cells are not confined in a capsule, they can move to other parts of the body to start new tumors. When the human body has sufficient energy and is occlusion?free,malignant tumors are encapsulated. Fibroblasts gather around the tumors and surround them completely, leading to the formation of a capsule. Next, the body supplies the capsule with blood vessels, which treat and transform the malignant cells, leading to the softening and flattening of tumors; the capsule dissolves when the cancerous lesion becomes hyperplastic.

The above process requires several months to complete. It is a gradual, quantitative change that leads to qualitative changes. The process of how malignant tumors heal is yet not known to humans.

Lack of information regarding a disease makes it a serious condition. Diseases that are known to heal, such as wounds with pus, if treated in time, do not scare humans.

Since prognostic changes in tumors are not known, any change in tumors is considered to be lethal. Ma Yueling has revealed the healing process of tumors. Hence, people might now accept conservative approaches to treat tumors. When tumors have sufficient growth space and a healthy environment to meet their growth needs, they will rapidly change from“bad tissues” to good ones. However, if the living environment and conditions are damaged, they might be forced to become “bad tissues” again. It is the changes in cell living environment rather than tumor recurrence that trigger an alarm. Only timely provision of healthy growth conditions might allow tumor cells to become harmless and have healthy interactions with other tissues.

The muscles on the back are relatively easy to soften and are less likely to have blocks. In contrast, the limbs have the most developed muscles. When the muscles of the limbs relax and become soft, blocks and scleromata of different shapes and sizes are found in the different layers of muscles. The conditioning for each layer is accompanied by the process of solubilization, which often stiffens the previously softened muscles. To address this issue, supplying patients with more energy and then continuing the conditioning is necessary.

After the muscles of the back and limbs are relaxed and softened, pain, numbness, ageing, and other illnesses of the muscles and pain, deformation, and inflexibility of each joint disappear. Hence, the body becomes flexible and relaxed. Burning of excess fat after conditioning causes people to become thin.

After muscle softening, dents in the periosteal wall of bones, stickiness, and many protruding painful points. These issues also need to be addressed. During this time, one can feel the coldness coming out from the bones, causing server biting. The patients thus realize that the cold environment is not suitable for the bone marrow. If the reserve of lymphocytes and phagocytes is affected by the cold condition, how can the body function normally. This is what causes ageing and death.

Fortunately, transformation of the cold environment to warm conditions for the bone marrow is now possible. After the conditioning, the opening of the channels connected to the bone marrow and reception of sufficient energy increases the body’s immunity to protect, clean, and repair the body. The recovery of bone marrow cells to a healthy state and removal of deformed or mutated blood cells would also reduce the risk of leukemia.

The brain, spinal cord, and other organs covered by bones can also be warmed up. These organs do not exist independently and are in constant interaction with the entire body. When the circulation of different body parts is improved, the growth conditions and environment for the brain and spinal cord will also be improved. This will lead to the alleviation of brain and spinal cord diseases.

Ma Yueling once treated a paraplegic patient, who had a one year and two month history of spinal cord transection injury. For 5 days, the patient could restore his standing and walking ability; the case is documented in detail on her health and wellness website. When the channels leading to the brain and spinal cord are cleared and the blood supply to these organs is improved, diseases such as brain tumors, senile dementia, and senile psychosis—all considered by conventional medicine to be irreversible—can be cured.

Therefore, she considers that benign and malignant tumors can be treated in the same manner, except that their disease courses differ. Further, she believes that single or multiple tumors represent only a difference in tumor quantity, and differences in age only represent a varying degree to which occlusion has occurred and the difference in body’s tolerance to treatment. She has developed different treatment strategies according to different body states, conforming to the same general principle.

She believes that the treatment effect depends only on time. In general, providing a complete conditioning to the human body in ten and a half days is impossible, but this time allows the cleaning up of many wastes, softening of many muscles, relieving of pressure on internal organs to a greater extent, relaxing of the body, and restoring the normal blood pressure.

Thorough conditioning of the body requires considerable time. After the occlusions in the internal body are completely removed, all the large channels become open and can function smoothly to ensure that energy is supplied to each cell in time. The health guardians and scavengers actively repair the damage and clean up wastes, leading to a healthy body. If efforts are taken to undergo appropriate treatment over a long term, our youthfulness can be maintained, and the life span can be increased.

Simply taking a tablet, or drinking a bowl of soup alone would not produce this effect. Instead, a comprehensive, high-dose treatment is required. Four conditions—adequate energy, clear channels, warm and suitable temperature, and sufficient living space—need to be met. A slow and steady conditioning of the human body with harmonious coordination of the four conditions is the key to ensuring treatment efficacy.

Individuals can maintain their health and heal their illnesses even at home, by staying away from cold, maintaining an appropriate temperature inside the body, having the right diet, and undergoing effective vibration and shaking of the body to relax all the muscles and eliminate excess fat. They can thus have a long and healthy life.

Humans have been exploring methods to maintain a healthy life for thousands of years. Unfortunately, the direction of research has been incorrect, preventing humans from avoiding diseases and stopping the ageing process, which subsequently leads to unavoidable death.

During decades of hard work, Ma Yueling has focused on the actual needs of cells and found that cells need to be provided with a broad range of improved living conditions and environment in order to allow them to grow freely and thrive in their optimum states.

Ma Yueling was born in October 1963. She graduated from Nanjing Second Health School in 1982. She has been engaged in hospital nursing for 23 years and has been exploring the law of life for more than 30 years. Because she wassick since childhood and had undergone medication interventions with no avail, she tried various methods to condition the body to perceive the influence of foods and various treatment methods on the human body. Thus, she has developed many safe, efficient, and simple dietotherapy and other methods for clearing human blood vessels and various channels. The methods have not only cured her diseases, but have also shifted her research focus to life science. In October 2015, Ma Yueling Life Science Research Institute was established in the suburbs of Shanghai City; it covers an area of 15 acres.

Between 2007 and 2009, she published the following books: “Wisdom for Not Getting Sick,”“Temperature Determines Our Whole Life,”“Parents Are the Best Doctors for Children,”and “Ma Yueling Elaborates the Inquiry Sheet.”

Ma Yueling Life Science Research Institute.Email:mayueling2018@163.com.
Picturesque sceneries at the Ma Yueling Life Science Research Institute.


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