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Imperative Revolution for Modern Medicine《医学必须革命》









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发表于 2013-11-4 22:59
ImperativeRevolution for Modern Medicine
Yueling Ma
Oct.20th, 2013
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2013 was awarded to two American scientists and one German scientist for their discovery of machinery regulating vesicletraffic in our cells.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine is awarded to scientists for their important findings or inventions in the physiological or medical field. This annual world-wide honor not only points out directions for medical research in the whole world, but also represents the most advanced medical concepts and treatment methods.
Let’soverview the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine since 2000:
2000 -Discoveries concerning on signal transduction in the nervous system by three scientists;
2001 -Discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle by three scientists;
2002 –Discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death discovered by three scientists;
2003 -Discoveries concerning nuclear magnetic resonance imaging by two scientists;
2004 –Discoveries of odorant receptors and organization of the olfactory system bytwo scientists;
2005 – Thediscovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and pepticulcer diseases by two scientists;
2006 – The discovery of RNA (ribonucleic acid) interference-gene silencing by two scientists;
2007 - A series of breakthrough discoveries concerning embryonic stem cells and gene modificationof mammals discovered by three scientists;
2008 – The discovery of human papillomaviruses causing cervical cancer by one scientistand human immunodeficiency virus by two scientists;
2009 – The discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase by three scientists and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute;  
2010 – The development of in vitro fertilization by one scientist;
2011 – The discovery of the dendritic cells and its role in adaptive immunity concerningthe activation of innate immunity by three scientists in 2011;
2012 – The discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent by two scientists
The above-mentioned programs which have been internationally recognized and commended confine their researches on the structure and function studies of the human body with the majority of their search results obtained under themicroscope. The scientists aim to treat more diseases and save more lives underthe direction of more perfect medical theories obtained through various delicate and careful research.   
Can all kinds of diseases be cured after we master overall knowledge of the structure of the human body and its functions? Can this knowledge ensure the maintenance of our health and lives?
As I know,only mastering the knowledge of the structure of the human body and its functions can not cure the diseases and also can not ensure the maintenance of our health.
I once meta professor specializing in embryonic stem cells. He lectured me about the benefits of stem cells, saying that omnipotent cells can live anywhere in side the human body and can regenerate and repair any cells and organs of the human body.

I replied with a summary of the role of your stem cells: we can compare our body as a tree. If the tree falls ill, you will find a seed similar to this tree and grow it to germinate. Then you will find one cell which owns the best regeneration ability in the sprouted seed and transplant it in the ill tree hoping this will curethe tree.   
The professor disagreed with my view and retorted how could you use trees tocompare our body? I replied that human beings were similar to all things. Why did a tree fall ill? It must be because of improper living conditions and an unfavorable environment. Even if you could transplant omnipotent cells into the tree, how could the cells grow in the tree with out proper conditions and suitable environment? How could the tree be cured? The growth of cells needs proper conditions and a suitable environment. Why does a tree fall ill? That isbecause its living conditions and environment has been destroyed. Other wise it wouldn’t get ill. If the tree experiences drought and could not get water, the tree would wither and die. At this time, if you give enough water to the tree,it would be revitalized. If the tree encounters floods and is so aked in water for a long time, it would face the danger of being rotten and what you should do now is to drain stagnant water in time after clearing its surroundings. Then the tree could breathe again and get back to life. If the tree suffers frompest invasion and becomes riddled with insect bites, it could still grow once you wipe out the pests on the tree over time. If the tree always lives below 10degrees, it could only render the state of hibernation with wilted branches and yellow leaves. It could not grow and was lifeless. But when the spring arrives and the temperature raises, the tree would recover, grow and be full of life.In other words, as long as we ensure the tree with adequate and appropriate water, protect it from pests and a variety of damages and provide it with suitable temperature, it could grow and be healthy without suffering from thetorture of illness and pain and the threat from death. When their living conditions and environment are damaged, the trees would fall ill and it is impossible for them to grow luxuriantly. Neither favorable growing conditions nor suitable environment could lack for the tree to grow, otherwise it would die.  

Why is the success rate of transplantation very low although the modern medicine has spent big bucks studying the stem cells? When one person suffers from chronic diseases which cannot be cured for a long time, it is definitely because of the damage of living conditions and environments inside the humanb ody. The symptoms differ according to different degrees of damage. Even if the stem cells are omnipotent, unfavorable living conditions and environments would affect its growth in varying degrees.

If the scientists transplant the stem cells into ischemic organs, they would experience developmental retardation, and shrivel and die. If the scientists transplant the stem cells into blocked organs, they could not breathe, stretch and thus could not play their roles repairing the injuries of those organs. If the scientists transplant the stem cells into dark and damp organs, they would become moldy and rotten, prone to damage from bacterium and viruses. If the scientists transplant the stem cells into the body with abno
rmally low temperature, how could they grow without a suitable living environment?
The is chemic organ would stunt the growth of the stem cells and they would shrivel and die. The blocked organ would occupy their breath and hinder their effect.The dark and damp organs would make them moldy and rotten, causing damages from bacterium and viruses. How could stem cells grow without a suitable living environment?
If we have suitable living conditions and favorable circumstances, damaged cells and organs can be repaired relying on their strong self-healing abilities. This does not require stem cells at all.   
On this Mid-Autumn Festival of September19, I recalled I could smell refreshing osmanthus mellow in my hometown, Nanjing.However, there weren’t any osmanthus trees in my yard in Sanya and I missed it very much. So I bought eighteen small osmanthus trees planting them in my yard.The second day after I planted them, a typhoon fell in Sanya, resulting in strong winds and heavy rain for two days. The leaves of three osmanthus trees began to wither and fall, leaving only the bare branches.   
I went tosee them every day. Five days after one osmanthus tree lost all of its leaves,new growth began to appear, with other trees following one by one. There wasone tree that appeared dead with no leaves for half a month, and at last, alittle green bud began to sprout from its root. This is very amazing. It seems that as long as the plants are provided suitable living conditions and afavorable environment, the dead trees can come to life again. When I lived in the north, if the plants I planted in the yard did not survive at the beginning, it could not recover at all later. It seems to me living conditions and the environment really determines whether the plant will grow or die.
The osmanthus trees, which came to life again after having withered, make me think that only in Sanya these plants can be ever-green, and withered trees cansprout again because of the best living conditions and best environment.
In Sanya it is like summer all the year long with richly green grass and profusely blossoming flowers. Every inch of land is covered with a variety of vigorous plants.
The annual average temperature in Sanya is 25 degrees, with an average temperature of 28degrees in the summer and an average temperature of 21 degrees in January.Clean and fresh air, together with a blue sky and white clouds people can seeat any time, creates the best environment for the plants. Mean while abundant rainfall in Sanya provides suitable conditions for the plants to grow. Hence,the millennium “ever-green pine” can grow here.
In the southern mountain of Sanya, lives theoldest dracaena tree, commonly known as the "ever-green pine." It is 6000 years old and is definitely a veritable long-liver in the kingdom of plants.
For millions of years, the plants have been vigorously growing in Sanya. The longevity of these plants should thank the inexhaustible devotion of the earth.The warm and moderate temperature, the abundant and clean rainfall nourish and moisten the earth of Sanya together with metabolites of vigorous plants.
If it is less than 10 degrees in the winter in Sanya, the land would be frozen and allthe energies in the earth could not be given away, resulting in immediate damage to the plants. When the plants lack energy supplies, they could only discard their leaves and flowers, stop growing and go into hibernation in orderto save their lives. If there are no energy supplies, what awaits the plant is only death. Hence, the appropriate temperature determines the life of allthings.
Just like the tree, living conditions and living environment of human beings directly affects a human’s life and health.
What conditions do human beings need to live? Sufficient blood and unobstructed vessels.
What environment do human beings need to live?  Adequate temperature,clean and tidy internal organ and safe and stable external circumstances.
Where does the sufficient blood of human bodies come from? Food. Every morsel of food into our mouths will have an impact on our blood with its quantity and quality determining the quantity and quality of the blood.
How do the human bodies keep every vessel clear? A suitable temperature is the most critical factor to keep our body clear. Water occupies 70% of our cells andorgans, 90% in the blood. Whenever our internal temperature lowers, our internal vessels contract because of coldness and the water inside our body will solidify and freeze leading to nodule sclerosis, stasis and infarction all throughout our body.
Where does the appropriate temperature inside the body of human beings come from?Definitely, Food. The higher the food’s calories are, the higher the body'sinternal temperature is. The lower the food’s calories are, the lower thebody's internal temperatures. Cold food could directly drop our body’stemperature. Although doing exercises can raise our temperature and helpcombing our vessels, if people only pay attention to doing exercises and neglecting to supplement of high-calories foods, they will be short of energy supplies.This would result in a lower internal temperature because doing exercises also consumes our energy and calories. To warm our body at any time, it is essentialto maintain  an appropriate temperature.In the cold winter, people could not survive without enough clothes and heating facilities. In the hot summer, the whole world turns on the air conditioner,causing a lower and lower internal temperature of the human body.
How does the human body keep its internal parts clean, tidy and unobstructed? There is adirect relationship to our daily food. Dirty food full of impurities,pesticides, fertilizers and additives pollute our body. Having too many colddrinks, cold fruits and vegetables excessively wet our body. How could human beings feel comfortable and relaxed a wet, polluted and blocked body?
Once the food is polluted, its lower energies would affect the quality of our blood,cells and organs, causing weakness and illness.
Once every path inside human body is blocked because of coldness and pollution, a variety of nutrients could not be delivered to cells and organs, which would cause their weakness. Hence, meta bolites and wastes could not be excreted in time,which would cause a variety of diseases, such as stasis, obstruction,thrombosis and cancer.
If it is dark, damp and severely polluted inside the body, bacterium and viruses which would breed rapidly, could in flame, erode, necrose and perforate our tissues and organs.
If the body's internal temperature is low, every organ that always stays in the cold circumstances - like winter - is easier to decay, wither, harden, and get sclerosis and fibrosis.
If human beings don’t pay attention to the protection of our body, the “wind and cold,summer dampness and dry heat, ” it would easily change the living circumstanceof the human being.
If human beings don’t pay attention to the adjustment of attitude, the feelings “joy,anger, melancholy, anxiety, grief, fear and terror” it would directly affectour body causing its disorder and disequilibrium.
If human beings don’t live a regular life and indulge ourselves with excessive consuming,it could lead to our body’s premature decay.
If the living conditions and living environment of the cells and organs are changed or even destroyed, and we do not improve them in time, it is hard for the cells and the organs to regenerate, repair and self-heal.
As long as we provide the body clean and high-quality blood, to make all roads inside the human body clear, to maintain a warm temperature like in spring, together with a full range of protection of the body from outside damage, the body will gradually show its vitality and its strong innate ability of self-healing. It would help repair the injured cells and the damaged organs and relieve or remove a variety of illnesses and thus achieve self-healing.
Up to now,modern medicine did not realize that providing the best living conditions and creating a good environment is fundamental for human beings to live, resulting in modern medicine’s fundamental incapability of saving everyone’s life and protecting everyone’s health.
In my opinion, modern medicines is like an old farmer and our bodies like plants.Maybe the farmer knows the name of the plants and even the name and the function of their components, like one root, one branch and one leaf, and can even show you the plant under the magnifying glass and microscope. However, can the farmer let the plant thrive depending on this knowledge?

For thousands of years, rain water is what the plant needs to grow. If the well-read old farmer waters the plant what he considers the most nutritious liquids, such as milk or soy milk, what would happen to the plant? Can the plant survive it?
The cells and organs inside our body feed on the blood transformed from the food after digestion and absorption. However, when today's doctors find that patients areshort of blood, they treat them with medicine and transfusion instead of directing the in take of foods to make more high-quality blood. Are the medicine and the transfusion what the cells and the organs really need? Isn’t this ridiculous like the old farmer feeding the land with milk and soy milk?
No matter if it’s the plant or our body, how we treat them should depend on our respect instead of mere imagination. What the farmers water the plant with should depend on what the plant needs. How the doctors prescribe should depend on what the patients need. A doctor must treat diseases according to the body’s situations, rather than the body endeavoring to adapt to the doctor’s prescription.
Whether a farmer or a doctor, as long as the plant or the body is not provided with the best living conditions and the best living environment, the plants or the body would not grow up healthily.
We can also see how the doctors treat patients using an example of an electric lamp.If the electric lamp is dim or flickering, the doctors would ascribe it to thelamp itself and carefully study its structure and functions.
When I encountera dysfunctional lamp, I would check the following things: first the bulb, the switch, then the current and voltage and finally the electric wires. As long as there is nothing wrong with the above-mentioned things, the electric bulb will shine. Whenever there is something wrong with one thing, the electric bulbwon’t shine. Only if you maintain lamp from all aspects could ensure the ever lasting brilliance of the lamp.
If everyone wants to use the electric lamp and maintain it correctly, every one should know that using manuals maintenance and repair methods. Spending morethan twenty years, I developed a set of safe and easy to use body-maintenance theories and methods. The four books I wrote, “The Wisdom of Health,” “TheTemperature Determines Your Life Quality,” “Parents: the Best Doctor of Your Children,” and “Consulting MaYueling about Your Health,” and the books I will continue to release in the future, are all related to the maintenance and the protection of the human body, aiming to guide people to create the best living conditions and the best living environment with their own effort.
Adequate temperature, sufficient blood and unobstructed blood vessels got through personal effort, together with comprehensive protection of the body, would reveal its self-healing ability. Depending on the body’s self-healing ability,many diseases will be able to disappear without any medical intervention and people can live a long, healthy life.

Modern medicine needs a revolution. We need to get rid of the original narrow-minded way of thinking and endeavor to rediscover our body and our lives. Only thiscould save the medicine which has been stalled completely and achieve thesacred mission of Medicine – curing thesickness to save the patients.



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